How Your (well meaning) Body Comments are Actually Interpreted

Did you know that sometimes I create posts with the sole intention of you being able to share them as a way to begin/encourage the conversation(s) you want to have? This is one of them. I, personally, cannot stand anyone making a comment about my body- yes, EVEN IF it’s “omg you look so good.” I’ve never been able to … Read More

The More You Give to Yourself, the More You Can Give to Your Clients

Do clients really always come first? Are the customers really always right? Nope. I’ll be the first to tell you that prioritizing your clients over yourself is the quickest way to burnout, resentment, & demise of your business. I’ll also be the first to tell you that the customer is almost never right. I’ll be the LAST person to tell … Read More

Effort is Relative. Doing Your Best Changes from Day to Day.

Years ago, my best meant working from 6am-9pm most days and studying til 2am. I worked 7 days a week. That was all my level of consciousness and awareness knew how to do at that time. So, I did it. If I compared my current self to my past self, I’d feel like a slacker. Except, I know better now- … Read More

Take Care of the Spaces and Places You Occupy the Most

Your brain & your body. Yet we tend to strangers on the internet, tap dancing like puppets on strings hoping they like us just enough to help us forget about the parts of ourselves we don’t love… yet. Or ever. Would you want your body to change if no one else would see it? Or notice? If you got to … Read More

Remember that Everyone was Once a Beginner

Some life reminders: Prioritize the process over the outcome. Always. So often we only do things for the outcome. What if you… stopped focusing on outcomes and came up with a process you enjoyed so much that you could sustain it for years to come? You have to earn ease. You just do. Yes, we all have innate skills that … Read More

Beat Workout Boredom

A better way to beat workout boredom: A solid training program is inherently monotonous. Squats- again?! Pushups… again?! Deadlifts… AGAIN?! Yes. Welcome. Lol Bouncing around from program to program or finding random workouts isn’t conducive for building strength. The basics work. They’ll always work. And you, my friend, are never “too good” or “too fit” for the basics. Your workouts … Read More

Running is Not Fast Walking

Great one to save for later. Running is such a popular gateway into fitness for most people. And… it probably shouldn’t be. It feels super accessible and low barrier but as they say- just because you can doesn’t mean you should. You’ll want to be sure your body is prepared to handle hundreds if not thousands of repetitive, single leg … Read More

Your Lifting, Eating and Business Should Provide Freedom. Not Restriction.

I help women liberate themselves from obsessive aesthetic pursuits AND soul sucking businesses that they’ve built. I’ve lived both lives. A life where lifting & eating controlled my life, and the life where I had no life because of my business. These days, call me a liberation coach, I guess. Lifting shouldn’t feel urgent or obsessive. It should provide you … Read More

Reminder: There is No Point in Working Out if You’re Not Eating Enough

You’re a warm blooded mammal. This means you require fuel every day. Keep reading. Evolutionarily speaking, humans moved FOR food. That was the point. You moved FOR food, moved TO food, and were only able to continue to feed the tribe if there was ample food to begin with. Or you died. Everyone died. No, this isn’t a post for … Read More