204: Getting Through a Body Image Meltdown

Bad body image days are normal. Here’s what you need to know: -Body image is an internal issue; it will not be fixed with an external result like weight loss. -Emotions are triggered by thoughts. This means that when you observe your body and feel a negative emotional hit when doing so, the emotion you feel is triggered from a … Read More

The Importance of Rest

Why are we so willing to coddle our pets when they rest, yet when we rest, we’re so quick to degrade ourselves, call ourselves lazy, and feel intense guilt over it? My dog, Mack, has taught me an awful lot about rest. First, he’s the cutest. Yet, what thoughts come up for you when you rest? If you’re like me, … Read More

Avoiding Injury While Returning To Your Gym

Injuries are about to sky rocket as more and more gyms open up. Here’s why: Outside of catastrophic events, injuries happen when load exceeds capacity. Load = force, weight, reps. Capacity = tissue & nervous system readiness. Even *if* you’ve been lifting at home like we have been (@ironphoenix.strengthclub & The Barbell Collective) the available load needed to create the same … Read More

202: Pain & Injury: What It Is, What It’s Not, & How To Deal

Do you have a human body? Great- you will experience physical pain, discomfort, and pain many times in your life time. Pain is actually necessary- it is telling us something. Pain just means your body is trying to communicate with you in some way. Sometimes, it’s even a false alarm. Here are a few key take aways from this episode: … Read More

[BIZ 33] Joy In Life & Business

This is a “tip of the iceberg” episode- so much left to unpack, listen to, learn, and experience for yourself when it comes to creating a life & business you love- but let us begin here 🙂