206: Pseudo Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is not the art of memorizing your food rules and then applying them without using a food scale or a food tracking app.

Intuitive eating has grown in popularity and it’s far more popular now for people to demonize dieting. You’ll hear things like:

“I’m anti-diet!” or “I help women lose weight without dieting” or “where intuitive eating meets sustainable weight loss”- and guess what? It’s all garbage.

Intuitive eating is being ruined. And you may be stuck in a trap that you didn’t even know could exist: pseudo intuitive eating.

This episode is full of sarcasm and snark- I can’t help myself. But, it’ll also help you identify if you’re stuck in the “fake” Intuitive Eating world.

A related episode: # 151: One Sneaky Screw Up” may also help you identify if you’re feeling like you’re stuck really finding your way to food freedom.