How can you blend action and stillness for more clarity and joy in your business? Action breeds clarity. Stillness breeds joy. How can you blend the two to find the best of both worlds in your business? You need to take consistent and imperfect action in your biz in order to get anywhere- we know this. You also need to … Read More
204: Getting Through a Body Image Meltdown
Bad body image days are normal. Here’s what you need to know: -Body image is an internal issue; it will not be fixed with an external result like weight loss. -Emotions are triggered by thoughts. This means that when you observe your body and feel a negative emotional hit when doing so, the emotion you feel is triggered from a … Read More
203: A Conversation Around White Privilege & Systemic Racism with Emily Gough
Christina & Emily talk about white privilege & systemic racism.
202: Pain & Injury: What It Is, What It’s Not, & How To Deal
Do you have a human body? Great- you will experience physical pain, discomfort, and pain many times in your life time. Pain is actually necessary- it is telling us something. Pain just means your body is trying to communicate with you in some way. Sometimes, it’s even a false alarm. Here are a few key take aways from this episode: … Read More
[BIZ 33] Joy In Life & Business
This is a “tip of the iceberg” episode- so much left to unpack, listen to, learn, and experience for yourself when it comes to creating a life & business you love- but let us begin here
201: The Objectification Of Women & Other Things Perpetuated By The Patriarchy
This episode is so messy and it is SO WORTH YOUR TIME. We’re talking about: –> Boners & the funding of viagra vs. women’s rights –> How women’s hygiene products are marketed differently than men’s products & why this is a problem –> What you’re expected to do & look like after you have a child …and at some point … Read More
200: How Fat Phobia Is Rooted In White Supremacy, Determinants of Health, & Considerations For Your Privilege
“Modern fat phobia emerged in America during the 1800s in response to industrialization and globalization, but its broad cultural appeal rested largely on racism and white supremacy. White, western “scientists” in the 1800s categorized people into social hierarchies on the basis of their distinguishing physical characteristics, including relative fatness. Unsurprisingly, they placed white Europeans at the top of this social … Read More
189: Black Lives Matter: Sparking a Conversation Around Anti-Racism with Emily Gough
Books to read: “Me and White Supremacy” by Layla F. Saad “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo Watch this video: Read this article: Lean into: -Why you’re feeling triggered, uncomfortable, and defensive.