The Dark Side of “Female Financial Empowerment”

How could helping women make more money ever have dark side? According to a report from Oxfam, women perform 14 hours more of domestic labor compared to their male partners… while also making $0.82 for every dollar a man makes. So how could helping women make more money ever become a bad thing? Tune into today’s episode to find out.

Toxic Anti-Diet Culture with Jenna Jozefowski

Have we been getting the wires crossed when it comes to diet culture and what that looks like, what it means and what it doesn’t mean? Ever feel guilty for genuinely loving eating salads? Or genuinely enjoying intense workouts and wondering if that’s diet culture, too? It may not be– and Jenna walks us through it all on today’s episode. … Read More

[biz 58] When Life Poops On Your Head

  It happens to all of us- the sky opens up and BAM- buckets of poop come pouring down on top of you. Such is life. We can’t prevent the crap from falling from the sky, but we can start to cultivate a “system” rooted in self-trust that helps us triage our life when things get a bit sticky. This … Read More

Episode 227: Urgent Body Image Solutions

The human brain looks for solutions that feel like they match the intensity of the perceived problem. And…voila! I give you: the ENTIRE fitness and diet industry summarized in one sentence! To dive deeper into what this may look like in real time for you, and how to actually work through it instead of making it worse, this episode is … Read More

Episode 226: Why you don’t “feel like” working out

I may lose a lot of you on this episode, so here’s what you need to know heading into it: Not all of our thoughts are true. Our thoughts dictate our feelings. Our feelings are valid, EVEN IF our thoughts aren’t true (or helpful.) Chances are, you’re just like me. You love lifting, you love the grit, you love the … Read More

All About Offers, part 2

What features are a part of your offer and why? Do you know? Should you offer q&a calls if you have a Facebook group? Why does this matter? Should you offer your clients voxer access? Or are you just cramming in as many features as you can so as to try to apologize or justify the price? How much of … Read More

All About Offers, Part 1

UnFYB is currently closed for enrollment. Make sure you sign up for my emails so you will be the first to hear when it reopens! Today’s episode is part 1 of 2: all about your offers. Despite what you may have been taught, the structure, delivery, and features of your offers matter a ton. Not only does it make or … Read More

Episode 225: Am I Lovable?

I think we’ve been asking ourselves the wrong questions. We waste an awful lot of time asking and wondering: Do I look ok? Does my hair look alright? Am I wearing enough makeup? Or too much? Does my body look ok? Does it tell the ‘right’ story? Am I doing this right? When really, I think, what we’ve been trying … Read More

Reinventing yourself: the journey to becoming a Force of Nature with Kate Zanoni

UnFYB graduate, Kate Zanoni, has one of the most inspiring (and funny!) journeys that will absolutely reinvigorate your passion to pursue whatever your dreams are. Kate is the founder and creator of Force of Nature and the ACE method, where she helps active outdoor enthusiasts reduce recurring pain and nagging injury so they can continue to pursue their outdoor activities … Read More

Episode 224: Navigating the comparison trap & the spotlight complex

 You get invited to go to the pool. You’re nervous. Everyone is going to look at your body, and they’re all going to judge you. You go to the grocery store looking like shit. Everyone in your town will remember the day you showed up at Target looking like trash. You’re going back to the a public gym. It’s … Read More