Playing the Game (and other things that held back my business)

If you’re like me, learning how to grow and scale an online business feels synonymous with being a fake, over-produced slime ball. That’s how I felt for years. Why did I have to learn how to “show up” online? Wasn’t I educated enough to not have to play by some unspoken rule book? Why did I have to learn how … Read More

2 Things You Can Always Control

1) your effort. 2) your attitude. My anxious brain loves to obsess over things I can’t control. It also loves to obsess over the outcomes of things that I… also cannot control. Even if you’re locked in your house, even if everything looks completely different than it did a month ago- you still get to choose to control your effort … Read More

You Don’t Need Permission

I’m a leader in a small way. One responsibility of this role is to listen the words that aren’t being said. 10 years ago, maybe even 5, I would have thought that all of my clients were just asking simple questions. Sometimes, and under normal circumstances- usually- yes, they’re asking simple questions. These days, they’re asking for permission posed behind … Read More

Are you trying to capitalize on the Coronavirus to make more $$$?

I’m not. Small businesses will be hit especially hard during this time. I get it. Trust me. If you’re panicked, I see you. But before you try to turn your followers’ panic into an income stream, ask yourself if what you’re selling is aligned for you. I told a business coaching client to go ahead with her covid-19 idea. Why? … Read More

Do You Make These “Healthy Eating” Mistakes?

Let’s talk about Sally to find out… Sally wakes up and tries to be “good” today to make up for being “bad” last night. She grabs an apple for breakfast and packs a super healthy salad for lunch. No dressing, no nothing. Just greens in a container with chopped up veggies mixed in. 3pm rolls around and Sally is starving. … Read More

How To Actually Help Your Audience Get Where They’re Trying To Go

When you say things like “I know you can do it! You got this!” inside of an IG caption, your reader is like “great. BUT HOWWWW?!” It’s not helpful to be inspiring. It’s nice. It’s not bad. But it’s not actually helping anyone. Your people need tangible takeaways. People don’t have a knowledge problem- they have an implementation and self-awareness … Read More

Your Day is Just One Big Mirror

Want more people to smile at you? Smile instead of scowl. Want to be included more often? Start including others. Want to have more crappy experiences? Keep being a crab ass. Want to feel less like people are out to get you? Stop believing people are out to get you *and* stop seeking revenge. Want more abundance? Stop practicing scarcity. … Read More

How to Stop Charging Hourly (in your personal training business)

I remember the panic of a client cancelling their session very well. Early 2013, I was still charging hourly. Each client would pay for their session, usually in cash, at the time of each session. That meant my income was at the mercy of my clients’ consistency. It was brutal. Late 2013, I switched to packages & began requiring signed … Read More