I promised myself I’d never do this. But as more and more questions poured in over the past year or so, and as entrepreneurship has taken a front seat on social media (at least for me!) and from my point of view, is being totally misrepresented, we’re doing it. Just like within the fitness and dieting industry, I see all … Read More
119: Financial Freedom with Millennial Money Coach Chloe Crain
I know, I know- why am I so obsessed with talking about money on the podcast? Because, just like with food, it is something that every human needs- whether we like to admit it or not. If you’re anything like I was, you have negative associations with budgeting and managing your finances, & you feel that wanting to make money … Read More
118: How Your Money Mindset is Stopping You From More Success with Emily Gough
I speak openly about my financial struggles here on the podcast pretty often. What I’ve come to learn over the years is that even though at times my financial issues were REAL (like- should I just live out of my car, or?), a lot of them stemmed from a crappy money mindset. As a business owner, it wasn’t until I … Read More
112: Creating Financial Success With Mandyy Thomas
This episode will definitely help you begin to feel more confident about your finances- this is The Confidence Project, after all 😉 Here are some big takeaways from today’s episode: 1) The one thing no one told me when it comes to my savings account and paying down credit card debt 2) The easiest way to start saving money literally … Read More
Lessons from Jen Sincero
I thought Jen Sincero changed my life when I read “You Are a Badass” I thought she changed my life again when I read “You Are a Badass at Making Money” Seeing Jen in person was SO LIFE CHANGING- I can’t even put it into words. It’s no secret that I have a screwed up relationship with money- but … Read More