Mid-Year Review: 5 Key Areas to Review For Continued Success

  1. Review Your Bookkeeping Nothing is worse than getting to the end of the year and diving into your bookkeeping for the first time for the year. Saving your bookkeeping until the end of each year will mean you’re buried under a pile of dozens of bank statements and thousands of line items. I like to reconcile my books … Read More

How You Build It Is How It Will Go

I was doom-scrolling when I came across a post from a fellow business coach. The post I stopped on read: “Online business is harder than in person business.” The case she was building was that trainers who leave the online space to pursue fitness business in-person are taking the easy way out. That the online business challenge is worth it … Read More

Marriage + Money: 4 Things Every Couple Should Talk About

You don’t have to be financially savvy , “good at math”, or even in a relationship (let alone marriage) to begin to understand your financial landscape. In today’s social media world, it’s easy to curate a very complicated, overwhelming view on what it takes to understand your money so that you can feel confident about your money. I was fortunate … Read More

5 Ideas to Add Value Your Online Training Program

5 Ideas to Add Value to Your Online Training Program   Listen to The Confidence Project’s episode here:   Ever hear the business advice: “add value!” and you’re like- what does that even mean? It can look like something like this! 1. Use the Document section to upload communication & policy reminders Tyler J. McCall taught “if you find yourself … Read More

Balance Over Burnout: Creating a Sustainable Business Model That Works for You

Let’s be real: running a personal training business can sometimes feel like a never-ending grind. I’ve been there, juggling clients, marketing, admin work, and still trying to find time to work out myself. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and hit burn out. So, how do we build a successful business that also lets us enjoy life? … Read More

Time Management is a Lie: What to Focus on Instead

Time Management is a Lie: What to Focus on Instead Time management is often hailed as the key to productivity and success. We meticulously plan our schedules, set alarms, and make to-do lists, all in the name of squeezing every possible minute out of our day. But what if I told you that time management is a lie? That the … Read More

Social Media Advice for Personal Trainers Who Don’t Love Social Media

I was surrounded by brilliant fitness and movement professionals this weekend. I see a younger me in all of them- highly educated, highly credentialed, underpaid, hungry for success, and terrified. Terrified of making a mistake, being seen, failing, trying too hard to get nowhere fast. Terrified of doing it “wrong.” While I’m not a “social media business coach”- it is … Read More

4 Things to Know Before You Raise Your Rates

If Lululemon can unabashedly charge $100 for a SCARF, you can do anything. I bet anyone with a Lululemon scarf would say they love it, worth every penny. If their scarves are anything like their leggings, I bet they *are* amazing. But I buy my scarves from Target 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t see the value. But clearly, some people do! That’s … Read More

3 Simple Ways to Elevate Client Programming

If you’re a personal trainer, you probably spend a lot of time coming up with workouts and programming for your clients. I can almost guarantee you’re over-thinking it and making it more complicated than you need to. Your clients probably don’t need fancier programming. You probably do know enough and don’t need to take another certification or course. Some things … Read More