Or shut it off completely and let yourself exist for a day without it? What did we do when we were only reachable once we were home? What did we do when phones were only phones? Now they keep our entire lives running. Calendars, notes, GPS, pay for parking, email, text, social media, pictures, videos, podcasts, music, food delivery, books, … Read More
165: Phone Boundaries & Reclaiming Our Time
Do you have boundaries with your phone? Or is it just permanently attached to your hand, and without even thinking about it you’re always quick to respond to texts, social media pings, or mindlessly scrolling as you fill in every single gap of your day? What I’m really leaning into is the thought that my time is sacred. All of … Read More
BIZ 015: Make Sure Your Biz Coach Had Success Before Becoming a Biz Coach
Huh? Yeah. Make sure your business coach had success in business before becoming a business coach. If you’re wondering how this could not possibly be common sense- you’ll want to be sure to tune in. There’s something business coaches don’t want you to know- and I’m totally spilling the beans. You deserve to be informed about where your biz coach … Read More
164: Resilience: Who Are You When Stuff Gets Tough?
Who are you when you meet adversity? Sure- we could say “everyone is resilient so long as they keep going!” but I see it differently- I don’t think it’s that simple. Resiliency speaks to who you are and how you respond to failure and difficulty. Complaining, victim mindset, quitting, etc. are not resilient mindsets. People who only stay within their … Read More
I Don’t Workout On Vacation…And You Don’t Have To Either
What you do most often matters most. Meaning, I definitely don’t often spend time on an island soaking up the sun. I do, however, spend most of my time bundled to high heaven living in the Midwest that will soon become a tundra- AND I spend more days than not throughout the year lifting, walking, and moving. Because of that, … Read More
163: Movement Is Medicine- But Not the Way You Think It Is
“Movement is medicine” is something people throw around all the time, but really have no idea what this means or what it looks like. If you’re sedentary, then yes- your body will benefit from starting to move more intentionally and regularly. If you’re already active and wondering why your body hurts outside of normal soreness and thinking that hitting the … Read More
162: How to Start Feeling Better About Almost Everything
You can start feeling better about damn near everything in your life. It starts with a choice- but it’s WAY more complicated than that. It’s not enough to just say “I’m going to choose to feel better!” Sometimes that can work- but usually not. Hence why shit starts to feel awful. Things like: -The fact that your partner can never … Read More
My 3-Step Method for Choosing What to Wear
Does deciding what to wear stress you out? If yes, steal my 3 step method for choosing what to wear. 1- Does it feel like I’m wearing jammies? If yes, move on to number 2. 2- Does it look like I’m wearing jammies? If no, wear it. If yes, move on to number 3. 3- Am I allowed to look … Read More
Biz 014: What Are Your Dial Movers?
In business, EVERYTHING FEELS LIKE A FIRE that needs to be put out immediately. Before you know it, you’ve worked all day long and feel like you have nothing to show for it. I know this feeling because I’ve been there plenty of times- and sometimes still find myself there from time to time even these days. Every time I … Read More
3 Things You Never Considered About Being a People Pleaser
It’s dishonest It’s self-centered It’s rooted in fear vs. trust I know it doesn’t feel like that. Surface level, it feels like you’re being considerate, kind, and selfless. And sometimes, it’s totally all those things! Being a people pleaser isn’t ALL bad. Unless you’re a complete sociopath, we all fall on a spectrum somewhere of “people pleaser.” But if you … Read More