200: How Fat Phobia Is Rooted In White Supremacy, Determinants of Health, & Considerations For Your Privilege
“Modern fat phobia emerged in America during the 1800s in response to industrialization and globalization, but its broad cultural appeal rested largely on racism and white supremacy. White, western “scientists” in the 1800s categorized people into social hierarchies on the basis of their distinguishing physical characteristics, including relative fatness. Unsurprisingly, they placed white Europeans at the top of this social … Read More
4 Ways to Have a Better Experience With Your Coach
1: Do what you signed up to do. Was it take a course? Follow a program? Participate in discussion? Like with anything, you can throw your money at something, but transformation requires effort. Throwing money at a problem is *usually* not where the effort ends, it’s where it BEGINS. Before you decide “it’s not working” make sure that you, indeed, … Read More
Our Plan for Continued Inclusion Moving Forward
How The Confidence Project + Iron Phoenix Strength Club brands plan to resume & move forward; non-exhaustive lists: Things I will not be doing: Tokenize my team members so as to prove that I hire marginalized folx, Black womxn, or WOC. Tokenize my Black, WOC, & transgender clients so as to try and prove my “inclusiveness & diversity.” Simply performing … Read More
Does Your Anti-Racism Work Stop When the Popularity Dies Down?
Some of ya’ll seem to have forgotten to post about your sudden newfound anti-Racism on Columbus Day & Thanksgiving. Your kids do know Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America right? Your kids know what Thanksgiving actually represents, right? Can we expect to see you share those things also? Did you continue to watch the NFL even after they ruined Colin Kaepernick’s … Read More
1 Huge Red Flag When You’re Seeking Business Mentorship
Did your mentor have success in their industry prior to pivoting into business coaching? Or are they trying to sell you on the success they found once they switched? Make sure you weren’t lured in by a coach who shares their business coaching success as a way to help you with your Fitness or Intuitive eating biz. They’re different. I … Read More
3 Reasons You Can’t Sell Out Your Programs
1- You think people are sick of you. 2 – You’re trying to speak to everyone. 3- You speak to the features instead of benefits of your offer. Truly there are at least 47 more reasons why your business might feel like a dumpster fire and your efforts feel futile but this is a really good place to start! Swipe … Read More
Feeling Duped By Your Last Business Coach?
Here’s what may have happened: 1- they lured you in by sharing how much their clients made while working with them. They share stories like “Linda made $6k!” or “Jane hit a $10k month!” Awesome! Are they set up to do that consistently? What did their subsequent successes look like? Did Jane make a total of $10k per year as … Read More
How to Win Your Next Launch
Call out your BS before it even happens. 100% of my clients have fears come up before they launch anything- this is normal. If you can call it out before you launch, it’s so much easier to see it through. Let’s say you’re afraid that people will be annoyed by you. You get to say ahead of time “I have … Read More
189: Black Lives Matter: Sparking a Conversation Around Anti-Racism with Emily Gough
Books to read: “Me and White Supremacy” by Layla F. Saad “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llci8MVh8J4 Read this article: https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/ Lean into: -Why you’re feeling triggered, uncomfortable, and defensive.