Making Better Business Decisions

Up until this point, you’ve likely been thinking about you and your business as being the same entity- one in the same. Your business is an entirely separate entity outside of you that needs to be taken care of & tended to. This can shows up as: -you not raising your rates because YOU don’t feel worthy. But, what’s best … Read More

The pitfalls of insurance-based Physical Therapy with Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike joins us on the show today to talk us through the many pitfalls and issues of the outdated, insurance-based physical therapy model. This episode *could* be a business episode, as Dr. Mike is a graduate of UnFYB, but I want as many of you to tune into this as possible, especially if you are not a movement or … Read More

There is utility in redundancy

You know how you waste a ton of time trying to create new, ground breaking content to post? There’s a good chance you can save a bunch of time and revisit all the things that are important to your brand/offer/content framework that you’ve only said a handful of times. You’re probably banging your head against the wall trying to come … Read More

Reminder to Schedule In Down Time and Fun Time for the Upcoming Week

If it’s not on my calendar it will not happen. A client asked last week how I schedule my time exactly and I’m working on synthesizing that into an actual post, but here’s kinda what it looks like: All appointments that require me to be somewhere at a certain time go onto my planner immediately. All of my non-scheduled recurring … Read More

How Your (well meaning) Body Comments are Actually Interpreted

Did you know that sometimes I create posts with the sole intention of you being able to share them as a way to begin/encourage the conversation(s) you want to have? This is one of them. I, personally, cannot stand anyone making a comment about my body- yes, EVEN IF it’s “omg you look so good.” I’ve never been able to … Read More

[Biz] Taking Massive Pivots in Business with Julie Beedle

UnFYB graduate, Julie Beedle, joins us on today’s episode to talk about following her gut to take a massive pivot in her business. Julie started her entrepreneurial journey by becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher Therapist, which took her years and cost her thousands. Like many of us business owners, COVID came and changed the rest of Julie’s business as she’d … Read More

[Biz 49] Your launch flopped, now what?

You just closed to doors on a recent launch. You didn’t quite hit the numbers you were hoping to hit. Now what? Do you drop off the face of the planet and hide because everyone must know that your launch didn’t go well!? Do you instantly go searching for another job? A big and very common problem I see in … Read More

The More You Give to Yourself, the More You Can Give to Your Clients

Do clients really always come first? Are the customers really always right? Nope. I’ll be the first to tell you that prioritizing your clients over yourself is the quickest way to burnout, resentment, & demise of your business. I’ll also be the first to tell you that the customer is almost never right. I’ll be the LAST person to tell … Read More

Effort is Relative. Doing Your Best Changes from Day to Day.

Years ago, my best meant working from 6am-9pm most days and studying til 2am. I worked 7 days a week. That was all my level of consciousness and awareness knew how to do at that time. So, I did it. If I compared my current self to my past self, I’d feel like a slacker. Except, I know better now- … Read More

223: You are the solution to your problem(s)

  You are your own biggest problem, and you are your own biggest solution. You’ll want to tune into this episode if: -you’re always looking for the next “magical missing piece.” This usually sounds like “I just need _____ & I will finally be ______.” But, there’s always something else missing. It’s never enough. There’s always one last “magical missing … Read More