Stephanie and I connected through a fitness-based Facebook community where the original poster asked something along the lines of: “Do any trainers here struggle with their body image?” As hundreds of comments rolled in, all proclaiming “yes!”, Stephanie’s comment stood out to me. While I can’t remember what her exact response was, I’m thrilled that she was able to join … Read More
101: Do This The Next Time You Feel Jealous
I used to be jealous all of the time. It was the place I operated from more often than not. I was jealous if someone looked cuter than me. I was jealous if someone started a new relationship. I was jealous if someone landed a new job. I was jealous if someone got a new car. I was so insecure … Read More
95: Fear, Failure, and Grit- A Birthday Episode
When I was 19, I went through a quarter life crisis because I’d be turning 30 soon. ? I opened up my laptop and wrote out a 17-page document of ALL THE THINGS I wanted to accomplish by the time I was 30. And while 30 is still a *bit* over a year away for me, I haven’t even come … Read More