Why I Burned It All Down

It’s 2015. I’m putting together one-on-one, fully customized training programs for online clients and charging $50/month. I’m a full time MBA student and I run a full time training studio out of my single car garage. I do my homework, write my papers, and coach my clients via email and Google sheets until 2-3am. I wake up before 6am to … Read More

[Biz 50] Making a fool of yourself

Honestly, this episode is just a monologue that dissects much of the strife of deciding to close my gym and change my entire life as I knew it one year ago– per this IG post. It’s candid. It’s long. But it’s an inside peek to one of the most challenging decisions I’ve ever had to make as a business owner. … Read More

Planning Your Next Launch

You’re going to want to get used to feeling like you’re annoying people mostly because people are spending more time on social than ever before. What used to be “7-9x” is likely closer to 25+ times for someone to take action on a CTA you post. Gross right? I know! Lol. There’s a lot to read between the lines of … Read More

How many times do you need to talk about your offer for it to sell?

Recent data suggests that time spent on social media has increased by nearly 43% since 2020. This may change your online sales strategy slightly 😉 I’ve been seeing some folks talking about “flopped” launches- which is great- transparency is so important! But… why might that be? Needed exposure to calls to action has increased. What used to be 7-9x for … Read More

Making Better Business Decisions

Up until this point, you’ve likely been thinking about you and your business as being the same entity- one in the same. Your business is an entirely separate entity outside of you that needs to be taken care of & tended to. This can shows up as: -you not raising your rates because YOU don’t feel worthy. But, what’s best … Read More

There is utility in redundancy

You know how you waste a ton of time trying to create new, ground breaking content to post? There’s a good chance you can save a bunch of time and revisit all the things that are important to your brand/offer/content framework that you’ve only said a handful of times. You’re probably banging your head against the wall trying to come … Read More

[Biz] Taking Massive Pivots in Business with Julie Beedle

UnFYB graduate, Julie Beedle, joins us on today’s episode to talk about following her gut to take a massive pivot in her business. Julie started her entrepreneurial journey by becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher Therapist, which took her years and cost her thousands. Like many of us business owners, COVID came and changed the rest of Julie’s business as she’d … Read More

[Biz 49] Your launch flopped, now what?

You just closed to doors on a recent launch. You didn’t quite hit the numbers you were hoping to hit. Now what? Do you drop off the face of the planet and hide because everyone must know that your launch didn’t go well!? Do you instantly go searching for another job? A big and very common problem I see in … Read More

The More You Give to Yourself, the More You Can Give to Your Clients

Do clients really always come first? Are the customers really always right? Nope. I’ll be the first to tell you that prioritizing your clients over yourself is the quickest way to burnout, resentment, & demise of your business. I’ll also be the first to tell you that the customer is almost never right. I’ll be the LAST person to tell … Read More

223: You are the solution to your problem(s)

  You are your own biggest problem, and you are your own biggest solution. You’ll want to tune into this episode if: -you’re always looking for the next “magical missing piece.” This usually sounds like “I just need _____ & I will finally be ______.” But, there’s always something else missing. It’s never enough. There’s always one last “magical missing … Read More