I used to wing my launches… hell, I used to wing my ENTIRE year. And because I was gritty, I could always pull it off. Of course I was able to increase my revenue once I started planning my launches out! And in today’s episode I explain exactly how I plan out my entire year and how it can help … Read More
168: Your Fat Loss Coach Hates You
Things I never could have admitted about my clients (or myself) when I was a fat loss coach.
169: Bad Body Image Days- What They Mean and How to Handle Them
We all have them- days, and sometimes even weeks where we are just so annoyed, grossed out, or even pissed off about what we look like. There’s a lot to consider when we have bad body image days. Some of those things are: -They’re normal. If someone never has a bad body image day they are probably dead or dying. … Read More
What Happens When You Stop Trying To Lose Weight?
You gain infinite amounts of weight until you end up on “My 600-pound Life” on TLC and they have to use a crane to get you out of your bathtub- of course! I know that’s what you’re thinking. I know your identity is wrapped up in what you look like and how you eat and how seriously you take your … Read More
You’re Going To Unfollow Me.
Your IG bio has deduced you to your weight- it details your starting weight, your current weight, and your goal weight- and everything I say is going to piss you off. So, you’ll unfollow. You’ve spent the last couple decades working so hard for what you’ve accomplished- and you want more. More praise, more weight loss- less of yourself so … Read More
BIZ 017: Instagram is getting rid of likes- now what!?
Public likes are going away on Instagram – WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? And how does it impact your online business?
167: Did Your Mom Ruin Your Body Image?
HELMET EPISODE! You’re going to need one for this one. Our body image story and our relationship with food is buried DEEP. Under hundreds if not thousands of layers of years worth of stories, social conditioning, and self-confirming biases that make us all feel what we’ve been taught to be true: our body is bad and must be managed AND … Read More
166: Earn Your Easy- expectation management for when things feel tough
Have you ever watched someone do something and you think to yourself “it can’t be THAT hard!”? …then you do it, and you’re frustrated that it IS hard? Then you attach some BS story to it feeling hard and want to quit? Yeah, that’s expectation mismanagement, and it usually comes from a lack of understanding of what it actually takes … Read More
The World Desperately Needs Your Body
The reason you want blue blocker glasses is the same reason you want to lose weight. You see something often enough, posed in a specific way- you end up wanting it. This is about exposure and representation- and how it shapes our desires. In the fitness industry, all we’re exposed to are women who look exactly the same. Usually white, … Read More
BIZ 016: Do THIS to Make Your Biz Stand Out
The online biz space is NOISY. There’s ONE thing you need to focus on in order to stand out above the crowd. There are, obviously, a number of reasons why business owners don’t make it. One of the BIGGEST reasons is that they’re too vanilla, too afraid to make waves, and too afraid to niche down. Ultimately, this all boils … Read More