I bought a house, started a business, and went through a terribly dramatic breakup that drained all of my accounts before I was 24. I had no money in my savings, $17,000 of credit card debt, and was barely scraping by with the income from my personal training business. I realized quickly this was no way to live. I knew … Read More
Simple Nutrition Framework: Carbs, Protein, Produce, Make it Taste Good
People get sucked into the realm of dieting for 2 main reasons: misinformation about the human body + basic nutrition concepts plagued by body image issues + body dysmorphia Today, we’re going to focus on thing #1: teaching you the basic principles of nutrition so that you feel smart enough to not have to diet anymore. Dieting makes people stupid. … Read More
Strategy + Soul: Our Business and Lifestyle Design Mission
Until circa 2020, my entire business and life were approached with nothing but strategy. Fill in the spreadsheet, run the calculations. Make the T-chart for decision making. Fill in the calendar. Squeeze in the meeting. Follow the to-do list. Nobody cares, work harder. No excuses. Make no mistake, living this way works. It worked for me. It worked for hundreds … Read More
Goal Setting Glow Up: My 3-Step Goal Setting Process That Can Change Your Life
goal setting glow up: my 3-step goal setting process that can change your life step 1: identify the top 3 ways you want to feel this season. Use a Feel Wheel to help if you’re not sure where to begin. Go to Google, type in “feel wheel.” Any image will do! image from calm.com step 2: generate 3 action items … Read More