Daytime Strategies for Better Sleep

Your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep is directly related to what you do when you’re awake. Instead of tossing and turning, doom-scrolling, or popping synthetic chemicals into your mouth to fall asleep only to wake up feeling groggy, hung-over, and worse than before- try these daytime strategies to help yourself sleep well at night!   View sunlight for … Read More

How to Niche Down: You Are Your Niche

In today’s competitive entrepreneurial landscape, finding your niche is often seen as the holy grail of success. But what if I told you that your niche isn’t something external to discover, but rather, it’s within you? Let’s explore how embracing your authenticity can redefine your approach to entrepreneurship and unlock your true potential.   Embracing Authenticity Over “Niching Down” The … Read More