84: Should You Sleep More or Exercise More?
Should you sleep in or hit the gym? The honest answer is that it depends. A lot of the times, we scroll past messages on social media that make us feel like we need to push ourselves harder. That if you’re sleeping in, you’re losing out on the opportunity to go chase your dreams. That somehow, the less sleep you … Read More
83: The Art of Maintaining Friendships with Emily Gough
Ever notice how there are no resources on adult, female friendships? Once you reach adulthood, you can literally find a resource on almost anything and everything. How to keep your house clean, how to cook chicken, how to create a budget, how to file your taxes, how to clean out your gutters. But there’s no one out there talking about … Read More
81: How to Avoid Overeating Halloween Candy
You’ve probably scrolled through (and maybe even clicked on) several posts that tell you how to avoid overeating halloween candy this year. That, or exactly how many burpees you need to do in order to “burn off” or “earn” the calories that you just consumed. The reason you’re shoving Halloween candy in your face has nothing to do with having … Read More
77: Putting Weight Loss On The Back Burner + The Detriment of Chronic Dieting
The health and fitness industry tells us that weight loss IS health, that dieting IS health, that marching to the scale every morning is just a normal part of it. Want to be part of the fitness crowd? The health and wellness crowd? GREAT. Now, just fall in line, count your calories, and weigh yourself often just make sure you’re … Read More
76: The Binge-Restrict Cycle; Weight Loss & Intuitive Eating
For a long, long, long time- I called myself a weight loss coach. It was on every website, every tagline, and every business card that I had. What a freakin’ disservice! Being a weight loss coach is simple. Get women to eat less calories than they’re currently eating. BOOM. Magic. Even more magical would be calling it a cute name … Read More