49: Living a pain free life, Interview with Dr. Jocelyn Wallace, DPT

Back in 2014, I felt a pain in my neck that left me on the couch unable to move for 4 days. It eventually went away. A few weeks later, I noticed that I was numb on the left side of my upper back, and the numbness ran down a portion of my left arm and into my pinky. Being the genius that I am, I ignored it for as long as I could. After one workout in particular, my left hand was completely paralyzed for almost 30 minutes. That scared me enough to see a doctor. After an MRI, they found 3 slipped discs in my neck, and 3 more in my lower back. They also found that I had a 30 degree curvature of my spine in one direction, and a 17 degree curve in the other direction. I was sentenced for a life-long journey of back discomfort and pain management. I was able to rehab myself back underneath a barbell, competed in several Crossfit competitions and made it to the platform of a powerlifting meet. In December 2017, I endured 5 consecutive weeks of back pain that left me unable to put my own socks, pants, or shoes on without writhing pain. My doctor told me that my next steps would be back surgery. I walked out of her office with pain medication and no game plan. Until I came across Dr. Jocelyn Wallace, who single-handedly helped rehab my back. No pain medication, no sentence of a surgery, no gloom-and-doom threat of never touching a barbell again. This episode ROCKED MY WORLD! If you have a body, this episode is for you. Listen to it 1,000 times if you have to- take notes. Listen with the intention to learn and absorb. You can follow Jocelyn on IG at athletically_you Get your party pants on people- your pain free life awaits you! Questions? Let’s chat! [email protected]