I know you’ve done it- you buy every program under the sun thinking this will be it! This is THE THING you need to reach your goals.
Whether you’re trying to lose weight, get strong, get lean AF, or even break into a business ownership role- you’re in constant absorption mode where you just need another perspective, another product, another coach to be able to finally reach your goals!
So far, nothing has worked! You have every workout program you’ve ever purchased in your inbox. You have PDF’s that outline exactly what you’re supposed to be doing… so, to hell with this program and this coach, nothing is working!
Sorry, sister… in most cases the problem IS YOU.
I’ve been there. Every Monday I’d start a new diet, because the last one wasn’t working fast enough. I was miserable, deprived, and so I just needed the next greatest thing to help me GET THERE.
I had every workout program under the sun- and no abs to show for it.
Turns out, I was the common denominator.
Once I got out of my own way, the path to success in all avenues of my life were perfectly clear. But, I can’t say I see that in everyone. Most recently, women who were a part of my cohort in a business mentorship program are wondering why they wasted all of their time and money on such a long and expensive program- claiming it’s a crock of shit and hasn’t worked for them— I’ll leave this up to you to decide- was it the program? Or was it THEM?
Tune in to find out!