Women come to me all of the time opening up about their body image issues. Almost daily. I LOVE this conversation because it allows me to talk about what I’m most passionate about– how the fuck are we supposed to love our body if we’re not 100% where we want to be? Maybe we’re not as lean as we want to be right now, maybe we’re 50 pounds away from our goal weight, maybe we remember how we used to feel 5 years ago before we had kids, and we so desperately want to feel that way again. What if I told you that FEELING that way, the way you once did before, actually has nothing to do about what your body looks like right now?
In this episode, I talk about how it’s similar to the house you’re living in and the car you’re driving. Weird, right? Listen to find out what I mean! I also reference the Confidence Project’s first in-person workshop: Body Confidence Bootcamp! You can get more info on that here. If you’re digging these episodes, leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher! It would be a huge favor to me! Also, if you know of any women who could benefit from these messages, be sure to share these episodes with them so that more of us can all start feeling confident AF.