Social Media Advice for Personal Trainers Who Don’t Love Social Media

I was surrounded by brilliant fitness and movement professionals this weekend.

I see a younger me in all of them- highly educated, highly credentialed, underpaid, hungry for success, and terrified.

Terrified of making a mistake, being seen, failing, trying too hard to get nowhere fast. Terrified of doing it “wrong.”

While I’m not a “social media business coach”- it is a recurring part of the conversation.

Taking social media “advice” from folks who love social media is like trying to convince a sedentary individual who hates running to run a marathon… not gonna land right away, right? We’ve gotta lay quite a bit of ground work first. So if you need an example of someone who doesn’t love social media but uses it for business and is doing more than fine- hi, hello, welcome🙆🏽‍♀️

Start here, my friends. Your message is worth sharing 🖤

Social Media Advice For Fitness Pros Who Don’t Love Social Media


You’re a fitness professional first, not a social media expert.

You don’t need to be the world’s best content creator.

Create content that is helpful for your ideal client- not the masses, not your peers.

What do your clients need to see or hear today?


You have to earn the right to worry about social media minutiae and performance.

If you’re not currently posting regularly, start there.

Focus on details + engagement/performance of posts later.


Social media engagement doesn’t mean much.

Not for my business at least- and probably not yours.
My clients tend to be lurkers. They don’t engage with a single piece of content prior to reaching out or hiring me.


Take a breath.
Take another one.
Post that shitty post.
Witness yourself survive it.
Then do it again.
Then keep doing it.
We can talk numbers & logistics later.
Keep going.