Each week, you end up with a mountain of data from the week before.
Hear me out: I fear stagnation but I crave stillness. Knowing the difference between the two is key. But fearing stagnation is something I think we all need. Becoming intentional about our time is one way to combat that.
Every Sunday *or* Monday morning, I carve out time to reflect on last week- just like Finance Friday, but with my time, energy, etc.
It changes each week. Nothing is good or bad. There are peaks and valleys of productivity, joy, etc.
But I don’t want to live my life just going through the motions.
These are the questions I ask myself. Maybe you need other questions or none at all. When asking yourself “why”- you can spice it up by asking yourself “why” 5-7 times for the same question, expanding on each “why” above to get really curious.
– What went well last week? More importantly, why did it go well?
– What did not go well last week? More importantly, why did it not go well?
– What committments to myself did I rescind on last week? Why?
– What are my committments to myself this week?
– What boundaries do I need to enforce this week?
– What do I want this week? What do I need this week?
– What did I put off last week that I can do this week?
– What is one daunting task/project that I can break down into smaller steps and begin this week?
Save for later. Or, if you’re up for it, answer one question below to hold yourself accountable for the upcoming week.