Sit in on an UnFYB coaching call in this 4 part series where I break down everything you need to know about auditing your launch.
[biz] Part 3: Auditing Your Launch
Sit in on an UnFYB coaching call in this 4 part series where I break down everything you need to know about auditing your launch.
[biz] Part 2: Auditing Your Launch
Sit in on an UnFYB coaching call in this 4 part series where I break down everything you need to know about auditing your launch.
[biz] Part 1: Auditing Your Launch
Sit in on an UnFYB coaching call in this 4 part series where I break down everything you need to know about auditing your launch.
why repeat a workout?
Why repeat a workout? Isn’t the point of workouts to just constantly change it up to beat boredom and don’t we have to just cOnFuSe OuR MuScLeSsss?!? I can assure you that your muscles are never confused. They are already attached to your body and they can only perform their intended actions. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that … Read More
What is tempo work and why does it work?
In a world full of CrossFit, F45, and Orange Theory type workouts- tempo work gets hardly enough recognition and praise. Tempo work is the holy grail of all things lifting. It could very well be one of the biggest things missing from your workouts. Lifting weights is all about time under tension or TUT and exhibiting control over your entire … Read More
217: New Year Motivation, Alignment and Goal Setting
Ever feel like you’re kinda living the same year over and over again, and then BAM- you get to January 1 and you’re like “no wait, but really- THIS year is going to be different!” And then come December, you look back and realize that really, you’re just a year older and not much else has changed in your life? … Read More
216: The Truth About Your Triggers
You know how when someone makes a comment about your body and your face instantly gets hot and you get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yeah. We’re going to talk about what that means. Triggers are actually our greatest teachers. It’s not for the faint of heart, but the way I see it is we have … Read More
[biz 45] Always Short On Time? Listen To This
Ever feel like you don’t have enough time? Yes- the entrepreneur’s greatest asset (time) always seems to be running short. There’s never enough to go around and at the end of the day, you realize that you’re functioning at 20% at best. Your clients get most of your time, your Instagram game gets the rest of your time, and everything … Read More
215: Body Image Misconceptions
Diet Culture Drop Out will no longer be available for purchase after December 31, 2020- grab it here for 20% off by using the code: theconfidenceproject Get on The Barbell Collective waitlist here. _____________________ I used to think having a “good body image” meant that at every minute of every day, I LOVED the way I looked. FALSE. Body image … Read More