You will never make a problem-free choice

So often we make choices that we *think* will move us away from discomfort in our lives. Common cognitive distortion. The truth is, you will never make a problem free choice. When faced with options- make a list of all viable problems, issues, complaints, etc. Then, choose based on the problems you want to deal with the most. YEP- the … Read More

Playing the Game vs Bro Marketing

“Playing the game” is a necessary evil that most folks have a hard time with because they feel like it’s inauthentic. As a self-proclaimed queen of authenticity, I can assure you, “playing the game” is not the same as bro-marketing. “Playing the game” means employing specific strategies that make it easier for future potential clients to connect with you. How … Read More

6 Possible Reasons You Feel Like Content Creation Has You Screaming Into the Abyss

I love creating content AND I love “selling”. – creating high value content helps people for free. Most folks “hate selling”, but won’t step up their free content creation game. Yo! if you’re not yet comfortable selling, get comfortable creating high value free content which *does* require “playing the game”, unfortunately. – If you can’t get anyone to stop scrolling … Read More

Pelvic Floor Health & Ethically Informed Physical Therapy with Dr. Mel Cioffi

Grab Dr. Mel’s free Pelvic Floor e-book here. Visit Dr. Mel’s Website: Follow Dr. Mel on IG: @dr.mel_pt/ Tune into Dr. Mel’s podcast: The Finally Fearless Podcast __________ Dr. Mel is an ethically informed physical therapist who specializing in orthopedics and pelvic health which can include help with: This generally includes issues relating to joint, neck, and back pain, … Read More

Why I Burned It All Down

It’s 2015. I’m putting together one-on-one, fully customized training programs for online clients and charging $50/month. I’m a full time MBA student and I run a full time training studio out of my single car garage. I do my homework, write my papers, and coach my clients via email and Google sheets until 2-3am. I wake up before 6am to … Read More

[Biz 50] Making a fool of yourself

Honestly, this episode is just a monologue that dissects much of the strife of deciding to close my gym and change my entire life as I knew it one year ago– per this IG post. It’s candid. It’s long. But it’s an inside peek to one of the most challenging decisions I’ve ever had to make as a business owner. … Read More

Planning Your Next Launch

You’re going to want to get used to feeling like you’re annoying people mostly because people are spending more time on social than ever before. What used to be “7-9x” is likely closer to 25+ times for someone to take action on a CTA you post. Gross right? I know! Lol. There’s a lot to read between the lines of … Read More

How many times do you need to talk about your offer for it to sell?

Recent data suggests that time spent on social media has increased by nearly 43% since 2020. This may change your online sales strategy slightly 😉 I’ve been seeing some folks talking about “flopped” launches- which is great- transparency is so important! But… why might that be? Needed exposure to calls to action has increased. What used to be 7-9x for … Read More