Ever feel like you’re kinda living the same year over and over again, and then BAM- you get to January 1 and you’re like “no wait, but really- THIS year is going to be different!” And then come December, you look back and realize that really, you’re just a year older and not much else has changed in your life?
Yeah. That’s actually one of my greatest fears- living a status quo life and reliving the same year over and over again without actually moving the dial forward. I am horrified to live a passive life of which I wait to life to happen to me instead of intentionally creating a life that I want to live.
This episode is heavy hitting. Don’t expect to leave this episode feeling warm fuzzies. DO expect to leave this episode with a roadmap to get out of your own way with customized action-steps that will help you feel the way you want to feel all year long (so long as you get rid of any of the remaining BS you’re holding on to.)
Cheers to 2021! Let’s get after it.